Win gaming gadgets in ClickDealer’s I-Score Challenge!

In the wake of ClickDealer’s latest smartlink debut in gaming, we give you a game of our own - the I-Score Challenge! The premise of the game is simple: you are an affiliate marketer who makes money on ClickDealer smartlinks and sets themselves up with tons of cool gaming gadgets in the process.

The rules go as follows: each $100 of revenue you make on ClickDealer smartlinks throughout the month of November gives you 1 Gold, except for our latest Smartlink 31, which gives 2.

Your total amount of gold is tallied up in 10 days after the end of the contest, and you will have 2 weeks from December 10th to 24th to spend it on gadgets of your choice. You can get up to 3 of each reward on the list, so with enough Gold, you can equip your whole party! Here is what you can get:

Don’t waste any time and START racking up Gold.

Good luck and have fun!
