The most profitable affiliate marketing verticals in 2024

Certain trends in the world of affiliate marketing have been evident since the beginning of the year. Lospollos has clued affiliates in on which verticals to look out for in 2024, and how to work with them.

What do you mean by "verticals" in affiliate marketing?

A vertical in affiliate marketing means a category that combines offers from the same and related areas. This classification helps affiliates to choose the right approach to promoting an offerer, as common features and promotion strategies are relevant for each vertical.

Popular verticals in CPA marketing

In 2024, they still hold the bar of popularity of the following niches as well:

  • Sweepstakes - all offers that deal with online draws and internet lotteries. Most often there is a short floo where users just need to register, so sweepstakes-offers show high conversion rates. 

  • Finance is a vast and promising vertical that includes different areas of the financial sphere - from lending to investments. All people strive for financial stability, so they are often interested in CPA-offers.

  • Dating - the vertical of online dating includes offers with online services, where people are looking for communication, love, flirting. 

  • Adult - vertical for adult entertainment products (dating, webcam services, subscriptions to adult content and 18+ products). 

  • Nutra - This includes health and beauty products. People still believe in miracle pills, healthy lifestyle is always in trend.

  • Gambling - everything about gambling is here, including sports betting, cybersports, slots, online card and table games. There are a lot of restrictions and prohibitions here in terms of sources, regions and ways of promotion. But for the sake of high raites, the web is willing to test different strategies, including "gray" methods of promotion.

  • Gamification is a vertical with games (desktop and mobile, browser and installer, adult and age-restricted). It caters to a wide audience, popular in all geo where there is internet access. 

There are also verticals in CPA marketing that cannot be categorized as any of the main verticals. Narrow niches allow you to target a small audience interested in very specific offers. For example, subscription box delivery, travel, green living.

A few recommendations from Lospollos experts will help you choose a vertical that will bring you success.

  1. Take into account your own interests, as it is much easier to promote products and services that interest yourself.

  2. Study the market, specifically the profitability and level of competition in different verticals.

  3. Choose an offer that is relevant to your target audience.

  4. Don't limit yourself to one vertical.

  5. Test and optimize to evaluate the potential and determine the right strategy. 

Types of campaigns in affiliate marketing

The most common types of online advertising of affiliate offers:

  • Targeted advertising on social media (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) to attract audiences with specific parameters. 

  • Email marketing involves creating and using a list of email addresses to send out advertisements for affiliate offers.

  • Push notifications are the most delicate advertising format with pop-up notifications for a wide range of verticals. 

  • Contextual ads that advertisers pay for on a PPC model.

  • Popunder and clickunder - a format that requires no ad creative and is suitable for most verticals. 

  • Content marketing is the creation of blog posts, articles or videos featuring affiliate products and valuable information for users. 


For a successful launch, aspiring affiliates critically need to understand verticals with all their features and pitfalls. No matter what niche you want to work with, the key to success will always be the right bundle. Therefore, absolutely all affiliate marketing verticals require in-depth study.

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