Oliver Kenyon, "K" burst onto the scene 6 months ago when he launched the fresh and exciting project
CPAFix.com. Now i know i wasn't alone when i initially thought although the idea was positive and decent i had my doubts over another forum and resource site that like so many these days die out after the initial struggle to launch. NOT THE CASE, i have grown to know Oliver and befriend him over the last months and i must say it is apparent that the last thing on K's mind is failing!
I'm a regular on the CPAFix forum and the site just keeps impressing me going from strength to strength, and the drive and passion Oliver pursues seems to rub of on his site and mission. He has one goal and that’s to become the number one resource online for
CPA marketing, and although he admits he has work to do he's certainly heading in the right direction.
This week sees the re launch of the "Newbie 411", initially a few notes K put together to send out to his "new to CPA" members, but after it's massive success within just a week of launching it received over 2000+ downloads, he made the bold decision to strip the book apart and re write it fully!
I must admit after reading the new version i am highly impressed and will be adding this to my list of eBooks to send out to people who are asking for CPA tips and guides. It features over 8 fresh, easy to follow guides and all the information you will need to know to start your CPA career.

I asked K why he put this out for free and he said
"I was getting 100's of emails and messages a week asking me how i made money and what was the best methods of CPA marketing, so i decided to save myself some time an put all my notes and methods into a neat, easy to follow eBook and give it out to everyone on the forum for FREE. I never knew it would be so popular"
Quite simply this is a must read for anyone just getting into CPA marketing, and even the experienced publishers may pick up some tips, we wish K and
CPAFix all the best in the future and with this eBook.