Interview: Weber Yang (GRevenue)

Weber YangWe're very excited to present our 37th interview with Weber Yang of GRevenue. Weber Yang is the co founder of GRevenue, a cost per action network which was started with one idea in mind, for affiliate by affiliate. GRevenue mainly concentrates on dating offers and aims to bring the highest payouts in the industry for those offers. Weber Yang manages affiliates and offers on the network's end as CEO.

1. Tell us a little bit about yourself. Where are you from? How old are you?

Weber: I'm a 25 yr old guy, basically from china and i'm a football freak!

2. How long have you been in affiliate marketing and how did you get involved?

Weber: I've been in the industry for nearly 4 years. One of my friends introduced me into affiliate marketing, soon i learnt a lot of stuff from forums and message boards and i implemented them and saw success.

3. How long was it before you realized you could live off your affiliate income?

Weber: I remember vaguely, around the end of 2009, i was earning more than what an executive in the middle management area earned!

4. What has been your biggest success to date?

Weber: Mine would be continuing till i won when i was sure of some campaigns.

5. What was the biggest mistake you made when you first started doing Affiliate Marketing?

Weber: Choosing a bad niche was my biggest mistake. I chose the auto insurance niche and i didn't know much about it, all i knew was that the offer paid well! I went into it with a full wallet and came back in negative figures because there was too much competition and i knew really less!

6. Tell us a little bit about GRevenue and what you do over there?

Weber: i take care of the technical and accounting and i also manage affiliates.

7. There are already so many CPA affiliate networks out there. What makes GRevenue different?

Unlike other new networks, we concentrate only on one niche that is the dating niche with highly competitive payouts plus we offer free training to our affiliates. We help them scale campaigns according to their budget and give them valuable inputs that will help them get the most out of their campaigns.

8. Do you offer biweekly or weekly payment? If so, how much does one have to make to qualify?

Yes, we do have provisions for biweekly or weekly payments. For the affiliate to switch to bi weekly or weekly payments, the affiliate must have a history of earning with us for at least 1 month. After that, a minimum commission of $1000/week is required for weekly payments and a $500/week for bi weekly payments.

9. Do you have any exclusive offers that other networks don't have?

We don't have any now, but we are working with our advertisers to get a couple of true exclusives.

10. Which offers are performing well on your network?

Casual dating offers are the top performers in our network. A few niche dating sites are also doing well.

11. Which traffic sources prove to be the most effective for your top earning affiliates - E-mail, PPC, PPV, Facebook, Media Buying or any others?

Actually all four are doing good but PPC and facebook are the most effective traffic sources for our affiliates.

12. Do you offer online training for new affiliates?

Yes we offer online training for our affiliates in any traffic method as requested as the affiliate.

13. I see you are using HasOffers as your affiliate tracking platform. What made you pick them instead of choosing HitPath, DirectTrack, Cake Marketing or LinkTrust etc.? Do you have a plan to create your own tracking platform?

For starters, HasOffers is cheap and certainly reliable! The simplicity of design and the ease of use for affiliates, advertisers and also for us made HasOffers our number one choice. We don’t have ideas of creating our own tracking platform, this is because we prefer to run on industry standards and also building our own tracking platform would require lots of resources which could be put to better use.

14. What are the criteria for a marketer to be accepted at GRevenue? How does GRevenue prevent and handle fraud?

We simply require the affiliate to be transparent in everything and most importantly have a valid phone number so that we can contact him/her. As far as fraud prevention and handling is concerned, we start off with a strict screening of all applications and we constantly monitor the clicks and conversions of affiliates for any instances of fraud.

15. For those who are interested in working with you and your affiliate network - What's the best way/time to reach you?

You can reach us at our phone number - +16265387933 On aim: GRevenueYang or you could also email us at

16. In your opinion, what are the best places for a new affiliate to learn affiliate marketing? What advice would you give for them?

The best place for a new affiliate to learn affiliate marketing would be forums, forums and forums! Nothing else! Just make sure that you find forums with friendly members who are willing to answer the silliest of your questions.

17. In your experience, what are the three most critical elements of run a successful campaign.

The first one would be knowledge about the niche, the second would be hardwork and the third would be determination. If you don't have any idea about the niche, or if you don't work hard or if you don't have the determination, you are bound to fail.

18. What's the difference between a Super Affiliate and an Average Affiliate?

There isn't much actually, an average affiliate continues successful campaigns normally, while a super affiliate scales them up to the maximum extent and finds more traffic sources. That is why he is termed as a super affiliate!

19. What are the keys to building successful relationships between Affiliates and Affiliate Networks? What are some of the challenges of being an Affiliate Manager/Owner?

Keeping in touch is the key. Talk to your affiliate manager once in a while, talk to them about your campaigns and almost anything else that may interest them. Develop a friendly relationship with your affiliate manager and you are sure to have a blast. The biggest challenge being an owner is fraud. But if we successfully prevent fraud, we are sure to overcome the challenge with ease.

20. If you could change one thing about the affiliate industry, what would it be?

The answer is quite simply fraud. If we could find a foolproof way to remove fraud, we would do that!

21. What do you think about where the industry is going? Where GRevenue may be going? What advice would you give to affiliates to keep up the pace?

The industry is working fine, there is always something new. New advertisers, affiliates and offers are always coming in. GRevenue is also going positive, with new offers being added with great payouts and great affiliates being part of our network. Affiliates should know that no traffic source lasts forever, they have to constantly add, delete or change parts of a campaign to keep the income flowing. That way they can keep up with this rapidly changing industry!

22. What are your goals in 2011?

Our goal for 2011 would be making GRevenue the preferred location for any dating offer. Since we are working with advertisers to have almost every single dating offer in the market, this isn't going to take too much time.

23. What are your hobbies/interests/passions? What's your favorite movie and why?

Weber: I'm a football fan too and i love watching and playing football! My favorite movie would be "The Social Network", I idolise Mark Zuckerberg! 

24. Give us a little glimpse into what a typical day in your life looks like.

Weber: My day starts at 8:30 AM, i start off by screening the pending applications and contacting the affiliates. Then i look for ways to promote GRevenue and replying to messages on AIM and email. I make sure that i'm available most of the time to help my affiliates and i reply to messages almost instantly. I retire for the day at around 12AM. As a closing note, we would like to thank for conducting this interview. It is great to answer questions about our network. We personally invite affiliates to join our network to receive high and quick payouts with free training and quality support.

Many thanks to Weber for sharing your time with us and for sharing some great insight tips here! If you have any experience with GRevenue, please write a review for them on the GRevenue review page. Ps. If you are an affiliate marketer, AM or Network owner and are interested in answering a few questions about you, your network and affiliate marketing, please drop us a message.
