We're very excited to present our 57th interview with
Samrath Gupta of
Samrath Gupta is a Young, Smart Online Enterprenuer as well as a Super Affiliate with a lot of industry knowledge. Despite his age, He has already beaten many to the fact that he is making money online and enjoying freedom at the same time. A regular poster on many forums, you can see the indepth knowledge Samrath has for this fast changing industry. Samrath is also Founder of a Affiliate Marketing Forum www.affvenue.com
1.Tell us a little bit about yourself. How old are you? Where do you live?
Hey People, Samrath here and you can see about me above. I'm 19 years old and reside from a holy city Varanasi (India).
2. How long have you been working in this industry and how did you get involved? What/Who inspired you to enter it?
I've been working in the industry for over 4 years. When I was 15 years old, I used to hear that people make money from their computers and laptops and I used think how the heck people make money from a Dumb little BOX! My journey as an Online Entrepreneur started when my dad gifted me a laptop on my 15th B'day!
My curiosity to become a RICH PERSON made me to jump into this WORLD.
3. What accomplishments so far are you the most proud of in the affiliate marketing business?
When I made my first affiliate income from Clickbank of $18 or something, I was very excited and Happy. Definitely the amount was low but I was happy because I finally knew that I can MAKE MONEY ONLINE and this is what my goal was! When I told this to my dad, My dad was very happy to know about my online success, and that was the proudest moment for me when my dad said "My Boy is now becoming a MEN!"
4. What have been your biggest failures and frustrations?
Whenever I remember my old days when I was a complete noob, A slight smile comes on my face. When I was a NOOB, I've made countless mistakes. My biggest frustration was when I was complete NOOB I joined many PTC(Paid To Click) who said to pay $100 for each ads I click LOL.
I was too disappointed when I completed my payout amount but never got a PENNY :D, Definitely I got disappointed but I never felt myself as a LOOSER! I would like to tell something very important to the READERS HERE!
If you are newbie and you too make lots of mistakes like got scammed by any network, Scammed by some PTC, etc then don't feel yourself as a LOOSER! Internet Marketing world is like our real world. The more you give time to it the more you understand it. Every mistake you make is counted towards your experience and everyone know's that experiences are a vital source of success!
5. Tell us a bit more about AffVenue.com and what you do over there?
AffVenue is a Premium Affiliate Marketing Forum with nice and friendly Venuezens (Members)! The real moto behind building AffVenue is to give Affiliate/Internet Marketers a place like another home where they can share and get valuable knowledges. Currently the AffVenue is open for everyone but I'm planning to make it a PRIVATE Place for only SERIOUS people.
AffVenue is made by an Affiliate For Affiliates! AffVenue is a place where you will be watching methods you've never seen before. AffVenue is totally FREE to join. So, I'll say you must join
I'm the founder of AffVenue and want to see this forum on TOP. I manage the members, keep an eye on spammer's, etc… We don't allow any SPAMMERS on the board and we have instant BAN policy for spammers.
6. What are your favorite traffic sources?
Personally I believe on using sources like Article Marketing, Press Release Marketing, and some of my HIDDEN GUNS. I prefer sources like Article Marketing, Press Releases because these methods generate passive amount of visitors without doing much things. Even these methods make me more traffic then any PPC or PPV.
7. In your opinion, what are the best places for a newbie affiliate to learn affiliate marketing?
Well, For a newbie I'll say his curiosity to learn Affiliate Marketing and Uncle Google is enough. We all know Google has every answers its all about how you ask him :D
But if you want some more places then consider visiting/joining places like
- WarriorForum
- MoneyMakerDiscussion (Must Join)
- CPAFix
- Samrathgupta.com (My Blog)
- Zacjohnson.com
- Mrgreen.am
- Lukepeerfly.com
- StackthatMoney
8. What are the differences between a Super Affiliate and an Average Affiliate?
According to me, An Average Affiliate is a new born affiliate and an super affiliate is a grown up teenager. An average affiliate is still learning everything and the super affiliate knows everything as well as making a killing. Perhaps we should never forget that those who are now super affiliates were once an Average Affiliates. If someone is an Average affiliate then it will take some time to him but one day he will too turn into a Super affiliate. You need to give time to This biz and this biz will give you what you want.
9. What are your goals in 2012?
2012 is going to be an awesome year for me. I've lots of plans and projects for this year and my recent project was creating AffVenue. I've lots of eggs in my basket.. Stay tuned to see things you never saw before ;)
I also have a goal to double my income I made in 2011. I love to beat my own records and one day will make an unbreakable record ;)
10. What are your hobbies/interests/passions?
I love helping poor people and childrens and if you consider it as a interest then this is my #1 interest. I cant see people in pain. Not to mention but I love to donate 10% of my online earnings to the poors. Helping others gives me an immense happiness which I cant express.
Other then this Becoming a Young MILLIONAIRE is my #1 Passion and I will soon achieve it too.
11. Give us a little glimpse into what a typical day in your life looks like.
I wake up at 10-11 AM in the morning and check my emails, website stats, skype messages, AIM messages, Forum PM's,etc.. At 11:30 I make my own coffee and and get to bath around 12. Again I sit in front of my Laptop and think what should I do today lol… Then I visit forums and make posts there, visit all the bookmarked blogs to see what they posted, Make my days plan, etc I leave my laptop around 3 PM and take my lunch and get to take a nice little 2 hours sleep. I wake up at 5 and take a cup of tea. I leave my house at 6PM and hang out with my friends. I get back at home at 10PM and again work till 5-6 AM!
This is how my day starts and ends…
12. Thanks Sam, if there is anything else you would like to say to the readers of AffPaying.com now is the time!
All I would like to say that This online world is very big and everyone deserves its share if he/she is working for it. If you are a newbie then work hard and trust me if you are really ambitious and want to seriously make money online then YOU WILL!! No power in the world can stop you from making your living online.
Thanks Gao for this interview. I would encourage you to join my forum affvenue.com or if you are looking for tips and strategies related to this world then feel free to visit my personal blog samrathgupta.com.
I wish everyone a very happy and prosperous new year.
Many thanks to Samrath for sharing your time with us and for sharing some great insight tips here! What are your thoughts on the interview? Kindly share your thoughts in the comments section below.
PS. If you are an affiliate marketer, affiliate manager or affiliate network CEO and are interested in answering a few questions about you, your network and affiliate marketing, please drop us a message.