We're very excited to present our 10th interview with
Owen Rupchand of
Hey, My name is Owen "O Dollaz" Rupchand from AdCommunal.com I am the director of media partnerships @ AdCommunal. It is my goal to help our affiliates build a successful business and help accomplish there goals, while getting our advertisers the quality distribution they need to make a successful campaign. Adcommunal Is committed to being the global leader in digital marketing, providing unparalleled support, cutting edge technology, and innovate solutions to maximize our clients ROI.
1. Tell us a little bit about yourself. Where are you from? How old are you?
I am from Toronto Canada, yes the (T DOT) and no it's not an igloo, and yes we do say eh allot. I am 29 and just enjoying life, I used to run a successful production company here in Toronto bringing some of the biggest names in the music industry to the city. After many successful years I decided to tackle the web based industry.
2. How long have you been in affiliate marketing and how did you get involved?
I've been in affiliate marketing for a little over 2 years now and loving every minute of it! I used to be in club promotions and was the director of advertising for American Express office here in Toronto. So naturally this was a perfect fit, I started at AdCommunal and have never looked back.
3. What was your biggest success to date?
My biggest success would have to be hearing all the positive feedback that we get about our 24 HR support. Knowing that our publishers appreciate all the hard work we put in to help them grow there business and they acknowledge it. Also building a recognized and respectable network in this large industry.
4. Tell us a little bit about AdCommunal and what you do over there?
Ad Communal Inc. is a performance based Ad network, we also launched our sister network AdCanadian which is the EXCLUSIVE CPA ad network in Canada. Both specialize in the lead generation channels in all verticals. I run the day to day operations, assisting publishers and advertisers with campaign set ups and distribution.
5. There are already so many CPA affiliate networks out there. What makes AdCommunal different?
Unlike allot of networks we use our own proprietary tracking system that we can custom tailor to fit our clients needs. We also built out the only Canadian network (AdCanadian) We also offer allot of free tools for our clients such as our group bump, widget, content unlocker, peel away ads and Ads donate and many more...
6. Which offers are performing well on your network?
Currently EDU, Pharma, Health, VC, Social Media lead gen campaigns are performing well for us, as well as our EXCLUSIVE brand LIS.
7. For those who are interested in working with you and your affiliate network - What's the best way/time to reach you?
We can be reached 24 hours a day either by phone, email, or IM. The best way to get a hold of me personally is Email or IM.
owenr@adcommunal.com AIM= AdCommunal6 or twitter DT
8. What are the best places for the newbie to learn affiliate marketing? What advice would you give for them?
My advice would be do your research, don't just think that you can throw up a couple offers and become a millionaire over night. Get feedback on the networks that you want to work with make sure they have a good reputation in the industry. Check out some forums like affiliatepaying.com is a great place to start, wickedfire, digitalpoint, and also check out a few blogs. Utilize and interact with your friends and followers on social networks this is a powerful tool. You want to see what people are talking about keep up with current trends.
9. What's the difference between a Super affiliate and an Average affiliate?
A super affiliate is a media buyer who can run multiple campaigns through various traffic sources. They purchase media, and arbitrage their CPM/CPC buys and back it out into a profitable CPA. A super affiliate is not afraid to take chances as they understand the testing phase and they don't give up, they know what campaigns can and will do well for there buys. An affiliate starts with a small buy in one or too verticals that they are familiar with and probably have a couple campaigns being tested, after a few hits and no leads or sales they may give up on the campaign and stop traffic. I would tell Affiliates do not get discouraged as this is a process that takes time, you can become a super affiliate once you have the passion and understand that you need to keep testing and find the right niches, campaigns, and traffic sources that you can excel with.
10. What are the keys to building successful relationships between Affiliates and Affiliate Networks? What are some of the challenges of being an Affiliate Manager/Owner?
I think that the main ingredients here are honesty and trust! Publishers need to feel comfortable with there affiliate managers and know they are getting the correct info they require and support that they need. Affiliate managers need to truly care about there publishers and there business. Building a relationship on a business level and personal level is key, study your affiliates and show a genuine interest in what they care about.
11. What do you think about where the industry is going? Where AdCommunal may be going? What advice would you give to affiliates to keep up the pace.
I think that we all need to learn how to adapt, the industry is always growing and evolving and we need to accept it, and keep up with the current trends. Being innovative and creating fresh new ideas helps the industry expand on various levels. AdCommunal will continue to strive at being the best, and to help our clients earn top profits and build successful businesses.
12. What's the name of your affiliate network software? It seems not very common. What made you pick them instead of choosing DirectTrack, HitPath, HasOffers and LinkTrust, etc? Do you have a plan to create your own network software?
We have created our own proprietary system called Afftracks. We can customize our back end if need be to fit our clients needs. Aff Tracks is a custom, state of the art, solution for tracking leads, or sales generated by our affiliates. Using our own proprietary technology, we are able to leverage cookie and cookie less tracking to assure all of your leads are accounted for. Place pixels on your own, track time of lead to optimize your campaigns, and pass subid's to assign real time credits to your users. Have features that you'd like to see on AdCommunal? Our custom built software allows for quick and easy updates that will improve your affiliate experience.
13. What are your goals in 2010?
My goal is to help all of my publishers build a successful business and make a great profit. Also to make our company AdCommunal a successful global brand.
14. What's your favorite movie and why?
I would have to say Donnie Brasco and Scarface, notice in both movies its Mr Al Pacino. These guys know what it takes to get to the top...LOL
15. Give us a little glimpse into what a typical day in your life looks like.
First, get up spend some time with my beautiful finance Vanessa, then it's off to the office where I make dreams happen for my clients...LOL (JK) work, work, work, I just can't stop! I just try to the best for my clients to see them get a great ROI. I try to spend some time with my finance and the family and just kick back and relax. On the weekends if I am not working, you can find me in the T DOT tearing it up BWOYYY!
16. And finally, thank you so much, Owen, for sharing your time with us and for sharing some great insight tips here.
Hey I would first off like to thank all of our publishers, without you guys I would not be here. We truly appreciate all of you. I would like to thank affiliatepaying.com for the interview shout out to Lei, keep up the good work bro.
Many thanks to Owen for allowing this interview! If you have any experience with AdCommunal Affiliate Network, please write a review for them on the AdCommunal review page.
Ps. If you are an affiliate marketer, AM or Network owner and are interested in answering a few questions about you, your network and affiliate marketing, please drop us a message.