We're very excited to present our 49th interview with
Oliver Kenyon of
Oliver Kenyon is a young English entrepreneur, with several years of marketing and CPA experience. He is the CEO and founder of oKenyon Webs, who are most recently responsible for bringing us CPAFix.com.
1. Tell us a little bit about yourself. How old are you? Where do you live?
Hello readers and thank you for your time, my name is Oliver, but i’m better known to most of you as K. I’m 23 years old and i live in England as i have done all my life.
2. How long have you been working in this industry and how did you get involved?
I’ve been in the online industry for a number of years, but i got introduced to the marketing and CPA side of things about 3 years ago. I like to network with anyone who can help me and in return i help them, so i have alot of contacts. It was one of these contacts who introduced me to CPA and my first ever network, CPALead.
After being approved i found that CPALead has some great features but the most useful to me was the built in “chat room”. This is where i picked up tips and met some great friends along the way.
3. So as well as CPA Marketing you also run some successful websites?
Yes, my first love is CPA marketing, but i also run a small network of established website. CPAFix.com is my teams latest project and the site that will be of most interest to your readers.
4. Tell us a bit more about CPAFix.com and what you do over there?
CPAFix.com is a website i launched about 1 month ago, it’s an online forum solely dedicated to the CPA industry. The vision is to cater to every marketer on every level, from the new kids to the old experienced guys. We offer help and advice as well as affiliate network discussions, a marketplace, articles and interviews and much more.
5. There are several affiliate marketing forums out there. What makes CPAFix.com different? Why should affiliates consider visiting CPAFix.com?
This is true, however speaking from my experience as an affiliate, when i was new to the industry i struggled to find a place strictly for CPA. I mean sure there are some GREAT resources and forums out there but there is NOTHING 100% dedicated to the CPA industry. Some networks have forums but they are not moderated to a high standard and their main focus is the network not the forum.
6. Do you welcome Network Staff to sign up to the forum?
It’s funny you should ask because CPAFix.com has become a second home to alot of network staff. We really encourage them to sign up and participate in competitions etc, because at the end of the day they are the biggest support an affiliate can get. We also provide them with a unique User Group and moderator powers.
We are also currently running a competition to win 3 months free advertising which is causing a big stir in the network staff world : http://bit.ly/ja90bw
7. So CPAFix.com is only 1 month old, what’s to come in the future?
Yes that’s right, it’s amazing because the feedback i have received already is overwhelming. This is the most friendly industry in the world i think. As for the future, i have so many ideas being put into place. Some great tools being coded and some really exciting things on the way. All ill say is watch this space!
8. In your opinion, what are the best places for a newbie affiliate to learn affiliate marketing?
CPAFix.com - hahaha no speaking from my experience i’d have to say that if you can get accepted to CPALead, DO IT! The chat feature really helped me network and pick up numerous tips. Don’t be afraid to ask people for help also.
9. How do you feel about the health of the Affiliate Industry overall? If you could change one thing about the affiliate industry, what would it be?
I’ve heard some criticism lately about the industry but i still chat to people still earning a lot of money. I think were in good health i just see the way people earn money changing. Everything evolves and you have to keep up with track or lose out. With the right people around you, and if your willing to work very hard, earning alot of money is still very achievable! I so see more and more people switching to SEO methods tho.
10. What are your plans for the future? Where do you see CPAFix.com going?
I have never been so positive about a project, and never received such good praise about something im involved in. I see CPAFix becoming the number one online resource for all things CPA, it’s a dream but with determination it’s a very real dream.
I’m just excited to launch more and more features to the site and try to help as many people as i can.
11. What industry conferences do you usually attend, and which is your favorite?
Being new on the scene i am yet to attend any with CPAFix, but the team is working hard and hopefully in the near future we can represent ourselves at the conferences. It would be great to meet some of my online buddies such as Dan from BLAM and Madison from CPALead, these guys have helped me a lot in the past.
12. What Industry sites and blogs do you read regularly and why?
Without sounding like a kiss ass, i love affpaying.com this site really is an inspiration to me and i love reading your content! Apart from here i visit Digital Point and Warrior forums but i’m not a massive blog fan!
13. What are your hobbies/interests/passions?
Well i’m also a fully qualified Chef, so i love cooking and working in the kitchens. I also love sport and follow football intensely, i am a MASSIVE Liverpool fan and love nothing better than going to see them on match days. I also love music, a few of my favorite artists are, Robin Thicke, Litttle Brother, J Cole, Royce da 59 and Michael Jackson.
14. Give us a little glimpse into what a typical day in your life looks like.
My alarm goes at 7, i then log online and check my emails and websites incase anyone needs my response. I then have breakfast consisting of yogurt with blueberries, lemon curd and granola! I then get showered and spend most of the day promoting and working on my sites until around 6. I then workout or go for a run to clear my head, and usually spend the evening relaxing(when i can) with my beautiful girlfriend or my flatmate!
15. Thanks Oliver, if there is anything else you would like to say to the readers of AffPaying.com now is the time!
I’d just like to say thanks again for taking the time to read this, and to those who have supported CPAFix.com including our new friend Gao of affpaying.com. If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact me on info@cpafix.com.
Many thanks to Oliver for sharing your time with us and for sharing some great insight tips here! If you are an affiliate marketer, AM or Network owner and are interested in answering a few questions about you, your network and affiliate marketing, please drop us a message.