Interview: Michael Totti (EmillionForum)

Michael TottiWe're very excited to present our 54th interview with Michael Totti of EmillionForum. Michael Totti has been in the Internet Marketing industry for several years. He is a very talented young entrepreneur who is the senior manager at and the owner of EmillionForum.

1. Tell us a little bit about yourself. How old are you? Where do you live?

My name is Michael Totti I'm 20 years old and from Toronto, Ontario. My background is a mix of Italian and Russian. I live life by the phrase, "the sky is the limit" and yes biggie smalls is my favourite rapper.

2. How long have you been working in this industry and how did you get involved?

I started in this industry 3 years ago. One day I was searching for ways to make money online and I came across warriorforum. This forum was where I spent most of my Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. Slowly I started learning the ropes and understanding what it takes to succeed in this industry. I remember my friends would always encourage me to go out with them, but I couldn't because I was so intrigued and wanted to learn more about this business. My first business venture started in 2008 with my own personal SEO website. I had many clients that I did SEO for and the word quickly spread about my services. After several hard working months I sold my business on flippa for a reasonable amount. In late 2009 I discovered Affiliate Marketing and was instantly hooked. My time was spent on many forums learning the ropes, and soon enough I started a couple very big budget campaigns with the income that I generated from my SEO business. I was dubbed, "The Marketing Teen" by many of my affiliate managers and quickly took over the game by storm. This year I have started up my own Marketing community called Emillion. It is rapidly growing, and is quickly becoming the number one place to be for beginner, intermediate, and experienced marketers.

3. What are your favourite traffic sources? What niche has worked best for you?

My favourite traffic source is PPC. I have had huge success with PPC and I have helped many people setup profitable PPC campaigns. With PPC there are many demographics you can target, and once you find your market you can easily make money. Email submits has got to be my favourite because they convert really well and you can take a lot of different approaches when promoting them. Another great thing about Email submits is there is almost no competition because people are promoting them in a lot of different ways and targeting different keywords.

4. What was your biggest success to date?

My biggest success was creating Emillion, it has received great positive feedback over the past months, and it continues to grow into a more recognized and respectable community. It took a lot of effort in creating this community and I thank everyone who has supported me along the way.

5. Tell us a bit more about and what you do over there?

EmillionForum is a website I launched 5 months ago. It is large community that covers all the aspects of Internet Marketing; CPA, PPC, PPV, Social Media, SEO, YouTube, EBay, Clickbank, and more. We feature a marketplace, point system, and even our very own shop. All the members are very helpful and we provide a lot of support and aid for the newcomers.

6. There are several Internet marketing forums out there. What makes different?

What makes us different from any marketing forum is our friendly vibe. We have tons of helpful members who support and aid the newcomers as well as share great stuff. Our forum features its own integrated shop where users can use the points they have accumulated from posting to buy plugins, ebooks, and programs. Aside from the business aspect of things Emillion has many topics you can take part in, from music, to sports, to even food. Anyone who registers can quickly see that we have a warm, friendly community, striving to provide quality and excellence for our members.

7. What are your plans for the future of Emillionforum?

We work around the clock to achieve greatness. We have big plans for the future, and we are constantly working on the community and making it better. In the future our members will be able to use the points they have accumulated through posting to buy advertisements on the site. We are also working on developing a good quality shop for our members where they can use their points towards, programs, ebooks, and tools. We are really excited for the future development of Emillion and one day we will become the best marketing forum out there!

8. What are your hobbies/interests/passions?

Ever since I was a kid I always loved being active. I am very athletic, and I play almost any sport. Soccer has got to be my favourite because I have played for a couple competitive teams and I used to train. When I am not busy online I like to hang out with friends, watch movies, workout, and listen to music.

9. Give us a little glimpse into what a typical day in your life looks like.

Wake up at 9 am check my messages, answer all emails. At noon ill usually go out for a nice jog around the park. From then on ill promote and work on my websites till around 3. I then go to the local gym and workout to have a good healthy mindset. When I come back I usually spend the evening just relaxing, calling my friends, and running some Facebook PPC campaigns.

10. Thanks Michael, if there is anything else you would like to say to the readers of now is the time!

I would just like to take the time to say thank you to Gao. I enjoy checking out all the great reviews on CPA Networks here at AffPaying. I also encourage everyone to check out and I welcome you with opening arms. Thank you.

Many thanks to Michael for sharing your time with us and for sharing some great insight tips here! What are your thoughts on the interview? Kindly share your thoughts in the comments section below. PS. If you are an affiliate marketer, affiliate manager or affiliate network CEO and are interested in answering a few questions about you, your network and affiliate marketing, please drop us a message.