How Dating Seasonality Influences on Your Profit

Dating seasons define the marketing strategies of many enterprises worldwide – from small flower shops and sellers of Valentine's postcards to vendors of clothes for newborns.

But guess what? Seasons also matter in online dating, and you have to consider them when building up your next affiliate marketing campaign. Here we will share tips on increasing the ROI on seasonal online dating.

What are the seasons of online dating?

Research shows that when people are the least active in offline dating (winter or rainy seasons), that’s when they become most active in online dating. Getting a pen-pal or a mail-order bride during cold and gloomy seasons makes users feel less lonely.

The time before Christmas, New Year, and Valentine’s Day sees the peak in online dating. These holidays are highly associated with family unity, relationships, and love, so those who are single rush to find someone to spend the holidays with, even if they do it online.

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Another hot time for online dating is summer. This season is related to short-term romances, and you can build your marketing strategies on this.

Why do dating seasons matter in affiliate marketing?

Understanding users’ behavior during online dating seasons can help you make more profits. Whether you want to draw them to a well-established online dating site or promote a new one, you should make your product more appealing and thematic based on the season. For example, you will get more dating site visits if you make users believe that Santa will bring them an online love partner at a lower cost.

How to increase your earnings on seasonality in online dating? 


Plan at least one month ahead of every big holiday (like Christmas). Pay special attention to romantic holidays like International Kissing Day or Lover’s Day. They can bring you additional money besides super-profitable Valentine’s Day.

Review your budget

Without solid investment, you can’t expect your plans to shoot in the long run. The more wisely you invest, the higher the ROI will be.

Pick the right products

Have a clear product strategy – check what worked for you before, or if you’re a newbie, go for something less risky. You can either push a new product or run the old one again, but what matters is that whatever you offer meets the seasonal expectations of your target audience. Ask your affiliate manager for the best offers and strategies to promote them. 

Diversify traffic channels

Visitors won’t be flooding online dating sites throughout the entire winter or summer, so you should seize the holidays period when users’ activity is at its peak. Double down on lucrative traffic channels, don’t forget to diversify the platforms for promoting products, and focus on mobile traffic!

Be season-themed

Enhance your communication, including holiday and season-related keywords in your messages. For example, add a holiday-related icon or banner to your offer, email holiday greetings to your mailing list, and include gift and discount suggestions in your marketing efforts.

Just make money

Build your affiliate marketing strategies based on seasonal demand for dating, focus on what has always worked for you, and keep in mind that more converting traffic at a higher CPA is better than the opposite at a lower price. This is your shortcut to incredible profits!

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