We're very excited to present our 61st interview with
Peter Zou of
YeahMobi. Peter is the CEO of YeahMobi, which is a mobile cpa network focus on affiliates. YeahMobi help affiliates make money, having tech team and mediabuy team just for affiliates. Peter and his doing mobile mediabuy over 1.5 years, with deep understanding in mobile mediabuy, they share all the data and tricks they know with their affiliates. Now there are over 1.1B 3G users in the world, following by USA 208m, Japan 122m, China 57m, Korea 45m, Italy 44m, UK 42m, Brazil 41m, India 39m, Germany 38m. Another amazing data is global mobile traffic is 10% of Internet traffic now!!! YeahMobi has tons of international offers, as well as exclusive EDU lead gen, insurance lead gen and Refinance lead gen. At the same time, YeahMobi owns its own tracking and optimization system "YeahMobi Optimizer". For more info about their tracking system, please watch the following vedio:
1. Thanks for the interview Peter. Could you tell us about your history in the mobile affiliate marketing industry?
Back to 2010, I was excited with the future of mobile marketing. I was reading mmaglobal and mobilemarketer everyday. I was 100% clear that mobile is the chance I need to take in my life. Since I am familiar with running affiliate network, I decided to build one mobile cpa network. Before I do that, many time and money was spent on promoting mobile offers myself. After spending over $50k, We know the tricks in mobile marketing and I know it is time to build our own mobile cpa network. We hired over 10 tech people and we spend all our time on mobile since the beginning of 2011. With tech support, we build our own tracking and optimization system, which is our advantage to compete with others. You know, the ad networks does not provide too much optimization tools and there is no way to optimize most campaigns. However, we can do that, so at that time, we make very nice money. Yeahmobi was online since July 2011, which is the 1st true mobile cpa network.(There was one mobile cpa network online earlier than us, but they do not have affiliate manager or I can say their affiliate manager can not be reached).
2. What accomplishments so far are you the most proud of in mobile business? When did you first "hit the big time"?
When we hit $1k profit per day, I know we are with mobile advertising and we know it is the real begin. At the very beginning, we spend over $30k and just get $2k back, which is frustrating. Data will smash your confidence. I have several friends who were doing mobile mediabuy with me together, but some of them just quit because of the mess of this industry at the beginning. You can not image when you spend $1k dollar in traffic, but just get 50 bucks back. The worse thing is you have no idea how to optimize, there was no way to optimize at the very beginning.
3. Tell us a little bit about YeahMobi and what you do over there?
YeahMobi.com focuses on building an international performance based mobile affiliate network, supported by over thousands of direct advertisers and our lead gen programs. When our affiliates and advertisers succeed, we succeed as a network. Yeahmobi is built for affiliates, we teach you how to make money by showing you exactly what we are doing. Also we are going to public our own tracking and optimization system "YeahMobi Optimizer", which is designed for mobile affiliate marketers. This is the No.1 system that is available for affiliate with all the function they need, like tracking carrier, handset, model, operation system and much more. For more info about our tracking system, please watch the video below.
More function and deep integration with YeahMobi will be added into this optimization tool. If you want some function but you did not see it yet, please email me at peter#yeahcpa.com. I will consider it seriously and see whether we can add that or not.
4. What are the factors that distinguish YeahMobi from the rest of your competition? Why should affiliates choose you over other networks?
We spend tons of money and people on YeahMobi over past year. The thing I want to stress here is we are damn serious on this, it is not just another network.
- 1). We pay weekly. We know cash flow means a lot especially for mobile marketing. Most affiliate are doing mediabuy now and their volume is not that large, so they have to deposit money first before they can buy traffic. First check or wire for mobile affiliates means a lot. We were affiliate and we know exactly what our affiliate want.
- 2). We show you exactly the campaign we had success with. What we are targeting, where we buy traffic, how much we earn from the campaigns, we show you everything with video or screenshot.
- 3). Our own tracking and optimization tool "YeahMobi Optimizer". Very very powerful, but damn easy to use. Tons of amazing function you were dreaming of, check this 5 min video and you will know how to use it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xooxZP22Cnk
- 4). Direct advertisers and our own lead gen offers. Simple, it means we can give you the best payout.
- 5). More traffic source with exclusive coupon code. We are working with many ad networks directly and we ask favor for our affiliates. For most network, if you click our link and deposit money, you will get like 10-20% bonus.
5. Can you list all the main mobile ad networks we are available now?
For this question, mobpartner has did a very good summary, please see the picture below:
To start, I would like to say jumptap is a good choice.
6. Do you offer bi-weekly, weekly or even daily payment? If so, how much does one have to make to qualify?
We are the 1st mobile cpa network to pay all affiliates weekly by default. If you can hit $2k per day, we can pay you daily as well.
7. What kinds of offers are doing well right now for your network and publisher base?
Pin submit? US AU ZA MY FR UK CA and many other countries.
Education lead gen.
Insurance lead gen.
8. Who are your main competitors and why you believe you can beat them?
We have several competitors in the industry and they are all good in there own aspects but right now we are not too much focusing on what others are doing because that takes focus from us. We want to build this network and show thousands of affiliates how to make money with our network. With the tools and training and top payouts we feel that we are in a great position right now.
Ad to the details, we welcome all affiliates and we show you data and tell you how to make money. As long as you are affiliate of YeahMobi, you can have access to YeahMobi Optimizer. All affiliates will be paid weekly, good for your cash flow. Many brand advertisers and our own lead gen offers will make you happy. Another very important I want to mention again here is we SHARE our campaigns with you, profitable campaigns. As long as you know how to setup mobile campaigns on ad networks, we can help you make money!!!
9. How much are your top affiliates making per month at YeahMobi?
For our top affiliates, the best is doing $50k - $150k per month, ok, it is ourselves:) Except us, our top guy is doing $30k to $50k per month. Mobile is not hard to make money now, but it is not that easy to scale up if you do not know the tricks. However, it is easy to hit several thousands per month. We have many affiliates doing several thousands per month by doing pin submit and education related offers
10. What advices would you offer to an affiliate who is looking to make some serious cash in the mobile affiliate world?
Tracking correctly is the king. Making cash in mobile affiliate industry the only thing to do is optimization. Only you can track must-have info (eg. carriers, handset, sites/apps, category, banner sizes and so on) then you have the chance to win.
If you are new, please focus on one or two offers at the beginning to know the market. Mobile affiliate is much different from web affiliate marketing. Everyone needs to pay learning fees to know how mobile marketing works. But if you try many offers at the same time, you will loss in the sea, cause there are tons of factors which make you frustrated and suck your money.
Find the right ad networks to buy traffic. Jumptap's traffic is really good and their account manager are so helpful, what's more, they have parameters for you to track and make your optimization easy and fast.Strongly recommended. Tips: The lowest bid is $0.03 per click, you have to ask for it from your account manager, the default bid is $0.10.
Find the good affiliate networks to pick up offers. You AM at affiliate network may help you make money. They know what kind of offers are hot and easy to convert. These will save you hundreds of budget for testing. Remember to build a strong relationship with your AM.
Don't be lazy, design your own banners, they could help you get a higher CTR and save your dollars and get you more traffic.
In the end, remember to keep in touch with your AM at affiliate networks. He/she is the most helpful person to make you money.
Let see advice from another top mediabuyer from my company:
- 1). Learn the basics of mobile marketing first. You should know how to promote mobile offers, there are several ways you can choose, mobile display, mobile SEO, SMS marketing and so on, select one then goes to the next step.
- 2). Read case studies. You can read successful cases in some forums, www.stackthatmoney.com, www.warriorforum.com, mobility.mobi, mobilemarketer.com and so on, these forums will help you get into mobile space quicker.
- 3). Choose a CPA offer you want to run, ask your affiliate manger about which offer is better for beginners or choose one that you feel it will do well for you.
- 4). Testing and optimization, this is the most important step. Take "mobile display" for example, the ad network allows you target countries, carriers, handsets and website categories. In the fist day, you should make sure your daily budget could afford 1000 clicks, or at least 500 clicks, then you know whether this offer converts well and whether you can make optimization on this offer. Currently, YeahMobi has the tracking system to help you optimize your offers.
11. What do you think is the greatest challenge facing the mobile industry are right now? And what would you do to solve it?
The challenge we are facing now is targeting in mobile advertising is not as accurate as web advertising. cookie does not work for Iphone, so there is no 3rd party company who can provide data service like bluekai does in web advertising. At the same time, it is impossible to get referral site info like we can normally see on web. If traffic is from app, the referral will be blank. For our affiliates, ad networks normally will not share you the app info, which will cost a lot due to opacification. However, there are something we can do. In our tracking system, we provide several features which can help our affiliate do better targeting. First, with our dsp, you can access to the wap site list and app list directly, we will be a transparent dsp. 2nd, at our optimization system, from handset, we can give you more info like demographic, users' hobby or character. Another big problem affiliates are facing now is they can not afford big prepayment to get stable premium traffic. For most premium ad networks, they request $10k-$25k prepayment to begin. We are also doing something on this and to make sure all our affiliates can gte enough traffic they want.
12. What are your plans and goals in 2012? Where YeahMobi may be going?
Our Aim is to help affiliate make money. We will open our optimization tools to public and we will share more profitable campaigns with our affiliates. We would like to build a solid affiliate base first and help them make money. Sure at the same time, we will get enough advertises for our affiliates.
13. What is the one thing you love about your job as a network owner and what is the one thing you hate the most?
I love bringing on people who are eager and work hard. When I see the same drive and determination that I have in someone else I just love it. I hate when I bring on someone who doesn't do there job. I am an easy guy to work with and I have a big heart and really care about people but at the end of the day it is all about business.
14. What is your dream car?
Lamborghini, the yellow one. I will get one at 2013.
15. Thanks a lot for this interview Peter. If there is anything else you would like to say to the readers of Affpaying.com now is the time!
Mobile is the trend.
Many thanks to Peter for sharing your time with us and for sharing some great insight tips here! What are your thoughts on the interview? Kindly share your thoughts in the comments section below. Also, if you have any experience with YeahMobi, please write a review for them on the YeahMobi review page.
PS. If you are an affiliate marketer, affiliate manager or affiliate network CEO and are interested in answering a few questions about you, your network and affiliate marketing, please drop us a message.