Adsense is the easiest way of making money online and it works really well for a lot of people. However, it has some serious shortcomings that you should be aware of. Unfortunately, close substitutes for Adsense don't exist. There are other PPC ad networks but most of them have ridiculously low cost per click rates. Today I'll tell you about an amazing Adsense alternative. It is known as
BLAM Ads and is very different from typical money making programs.
What is BLAM Ads Network?
BLAM Ads is an innovative content locking system. As the name suggests, this system disallows your website's visitors from accessing your content until they complete a quick survey. You might have came across similar money making programs but BLAM ads is much better than most of them. Their code is very neat and loads very quickly.
What makes it a Good Adsense Alternative?
Personally, I think that BLAM ads network is better than Adsense. Here's why:
- In Adsense, only a small percentage of your visitors click on the ads. The usual click through rate is around 1%. In other words, out of every hundred visitors only one clicks on an Adsense ad. Some websites do get better CTR but those are exceptional cases. On the contrary, BLAM Ads allow you to make mosey from every single visitor!
- Adsense takes up precious space on your website and sometimes makes it look ugly and unprofessional. In BLAM Ads this problem does not exist. Even after inserting the provided code your original page stays undisturbed.
- Adsense is so common that a lot of people don't even notice its ads anymore. This is known as ad blindness and it is a big problem these days. With BLAM Ads network you can't lose earnings because of ad blindness.
- An Adsense account can be sabotaged easily by your competitors. All they need to do is click excessively on your ads. The guys at Google will be forced to think that you are trying to take unfair advantage of their system and will terminate your account. Once you lose your account, it will be extremely hard to get a new one. Just think what would such an incident do to your online earnings. However, competitors can't harm your BLAM Ads earnings in any possible way.
The Downside:
BLAM Ads have some disadvantages too. First of all, locking your website's content can increase your bounce rate considerably. A lot of internet surfers are unfamiliar with content locking technology. So, upon visiting your site they might get confused and leave. Second of all, this system doesn't work for all websites. To make considerable amount of money your content needs to be brilliant and unique. If your website just offers text based content and the information is widely available on other websites then none of your visitors will bother to fill out a survey form. But if your offers something really good then it will make you rich!