4. Tell us a bit more about EWA Network and what you do over there? There are 600+ CPA Networks out there, what makes EWA different? Why should affiliates consider joining EWA?
We love competition, it's why we have sustained our position on top. EWA will beat any payout that any network offers you to build a long-term profitable relationship. Unlike the other affiliate networks we are not here for quick gains, we are in it for the long haul. We actively work with hundreds of merchants directly, operate at low overhead, and are privately capitalized so we truly can offer you the highest campaign payouts around. EWA actively monitors our competitions payouts to always keep your street payouts above everyone else, and we will beat any privately offered payout to you. Between the network newsletters, campaign mini-guides, our Facebook group (http://fb.ewanetwork.com), 45 explicit explaining how to promote niches and on traffic sources, our twitter (http://twitter.com/ewanetwork), and finally our experienced account managers - nobody can top us. We keep our affiliate base exclusive and small so our affiliates always come out the most informed and on top. Our service is incomparable to any affiliate network out there and we do this because our team actually markets campaigns ourselves, openly sharing knowledge with our private publisher base. EWA has over (2900) offers live in (210) countries, over double the next leading network. All we have to do now is outdo what we already have done and we're working around the clock to continue the innovations.
5. There are 20+ Content Locking Networks out there, what makes Ads different? Why should affiliates consider joining BLAM Ads?
We outdid the competitors at literally every single angle possible. BLAM Ads has far higher payouts than any competitor - our fiercest competition has an average 35% lower payouts. In addition, BLAM Ads rewards our publishers with even higher payouts for loyalty - we're all about building long term relationships. BLAM Ads pays faster than any competitor, we entered the industry where the norm was monthly and BLAM pays publishers weekly. For support, we have account managers that work around the clock, a huge Facebook community (http://fb.blamads.com) and a twitter with tips that stream around the clock (http://twitter.com/blamadsincent). In the coming weeks we will be releasing our own technology that will literally blow the competition out of the water: multiple new gateway formats, far superior optimization, faster loading times, and a flexible system that can better handle the millions of impressions and clicks we get daily.
6. Do you still do internal media buys these days? If so, what are your favorite traffic sources?
My internal media buying division is one of the most profitable sections of Eagle Web Assets. I've been an affiliate since 2005 and only took off about three months to build up EWA Network. After the foundation of EWA was created, I began publishing again as an affiliate and quickly organized a team of seven media buyers. The whole concept of EWA was to share the campaigns that we profit from internally to our exclusive base of members. Without the success of our affiliates with real knowledge from the streets, we cannot be successful as a network. EWA still actively shares our internal campaigns transparently with our publishers to insure their success through newsletters. We send out campaign guides and epic guides that explain in detail how to promote specific niches on traffic sources. We promote internally on contextual, social, direct site buys and media buys - so that's all that we can share with affiliates.
7. How do you feel about the health of the Affiliate Industry overall? If you could change one thing about the affiliate industry, what would it be? What are your plans for the future? Where do you see EWA & BLAM Ads going?
It's really healthy for my companies, but you can just look around at the competition out there - they are falling apart one by one. Between the payment delays, partnership breakups, and the complete collapses affiliates are FLOCKING back to EWA. Two companies emerge from the smoke: EWA Network and BLAM Ads, the networks that always paid them on time. Our overall corporate revenues are way up in lieu of our competitors downfall. When I first launched my companies, I projected that it would take 5 years to reach the same level as them - look what hard work did in less than three. We have increased our projections for Q4 of 2011 and I'm confident that we're going to have a strong close to 2011.
8. What industry conferences do you usually attend, and which is your favorite?
I attend most of the AdTech and Affiliate Summit conferences throughout the year, the next one coming up is AdTech London near the end up September. Because I work with the affiliates most, I prefer Affiliate Summit because it's far more specialized than AdTech. When I go to an AdTech, I feel like every booth is exactly the same with a couple words changed, all of which are traffic sources brokering traffic from RightMedia. When I go to the Affiliate Summits, I get to actually meet the clients that I work with.
9. What are your hobbies/interests/passions? Give us a little glimpse into what a typical day in your life looks like.
Over the past year or so I've been working on dividing up my time to actually enjoy my life more. For years, I literally had to be working around the clock in order for my companies to continue profiting. I set the goal for myself that I wanted to take it easy, and the only way to do that was setup an advanced hierarchy of employees to manage my companies - and I did just that. Now I can take time off if I want to and I love traveling, driving my cars, playing video games (murkin' in Call of Duty), hanging out with my girlfriend and spending time with my family. At first, having time off was one of the most frightening and confusing things for a workaholic like myself that was always three days behind - but now, I'm used to it and I love it. I still work as hard as I always did, but the work that I do now is more administrative than anything. Instead of being intrenched with busy work all day, I can spend my time innovating with new ideas and concepts that will help project Eagle Web Assets even further into success. Another very big aspect of my life is sobriety and working with other addicts and alcoholics. I'm heavily involved in maintaining what I have now and helping others with similar problems - it gives me a sense of joy that money cannot buy and it's given new meaning to my life. Because I hit success at a very young age, I made many mistakes that was nearly the demise of me entirely. I've recovered from the depths of a living hell so I never take what I have for granted. Giving back what was so freely given to me is of the utmost importance in my life, and I thank God everyday for what he's blessed me with. I've discussed my journey on my personal blog for people more interested in learning about myself: http://blog.ryaneagle.com